Abby hugging a family.

Emotional Well-Being

Children who are healthy in mind, body, and heart can thrive in every way. Mental health IS health!

Love, Your Mind

Elmo and friends show how humming can help support kids’ emotional well-being in a new Public Service Announcement launched in partnership with the Ad Council for their “Love, Your Mind Today” campaign. 

Newest Resources
When You’re Concerned

As a caring adult, everything you do helps children build a foundation of emotional well-being. And if you think your child would benefit from more support, there are other caring adults who can help.

Elmo and his dad Louie
The presence and support
of a caring adult is the most important factor in the life of a child experiencing emotional distress.
All Emotional Well-Being Resources

Find resources, activities, and videos to help children form the bonds and social connections that nurture their well-being.

Rosita at a picnic with a family.

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